Last night on the Tonight Show, Chris Matthews announced that he was in the tank for one candidate while ostensibly "covering" the race for President. Tonight on his MSNBC show, Matthews admitted that he has opposed Bill and Hillary Clinton "for 20 years." Then he launched into yet another attack - so clearly trying whatever last ditch tactics and selective quoting he could find to block Barack Obama's nomination of Senator Clinton as Secretary of State.
My question is this: Who else is likely to run for the Democratic nomination for that Senate seat in Pennsylvania - and how can we help that person?
The always observant Bob Somerby nails the latest derangement from the Clinton-hating camp, behavior as predictable as that of animals under a full moon:
It’s almost like they loathe the country itself. In the past, they’ve done astounding harm to that country through their aggressive Clinton/Gore-trashing—especially when they worked so hard to put George Bush where he is. But even now, they refuse to abandon their childish games. Nothing will ever make them stop. They care about little else.
What's really appalling is the utter lack of public respect Matthews and his ilk have for President-Elect Obama, a man whose candidacy the hateful MSNBC hyena once claimed sent a thrill up his leg.