Jason and I have been discussing the "power of the positive" over the last few days and both of us agree that just because we need a tough new Obama 2.0 to win the election, that doesn't mean our ticket-topper should stoop to conquer. Mainly because he'd fail.
Given the economic crisis - and it's going to get worse, folks - reasonable, mature leadership is desperately needed in this country. That, and a plan - a structure for a new way forward, the bones of the garden if not the blooms; that is to say, something well beyond "change."
This two-minute ad is easily the best of the general election campaign for the Obama-Biden team. They should continue with this message, and continue to put a little more meat on these terrific policy bones. Truth be told, I think the exciting Obama brand of the winter and early spring had become a little shop-worn - the mantras tired and useless, the enthusiastic "hope" church of the converted simply unable to recruit more believers with the rhetorical toolset of the primary campaign.
I think the tide is swinging back a bit, and I think a "New Deal" call to the swing state voters is the right call. What do you think?