Review copies of my book are in. And thanks to my friends at Wiley, we’re launching a program to get as many review copies of CauseWired: Plugging In, Getting Involved, Changing the World into the hands of bloggers as we can before publication. If you’re interested in writing about CauseWired - and it covers online social activism across charities, NGOs, politics, cause marketing and more - we want to rush you an advance copy of the book.
Just drop a note with your name, blog, and snail mail address to Wiley’s extraordinary book marketer/guru/blogger, Andrew Wheeler, at [email protected] and we’ll make sure you get one. Andy very kindly put up a post on his own excellent book blog and had some nice comments:
CauseWired doesn't just have something to say, it has a real, direct connection to what we're both doing right now, and what we're (all of us) doing more and more every day in the 21st century: connecting electronically about the things that matter to us. So this is a book I'm excited about, and want to see spread as widely as possible.
And that's why I want to give away as many of those bound galleys as possible, to bloggers and podcasters, to forum junkies and Facebook super-users, to LiveJournal mavens and MySpace eyeball-destroyers, to people who live in the wired world and who want to know what's going on there. If you want to read this book before it's published, and you have somewhere (preferably online) to talk to people about it afterwards, I'd like to send you a copy. Also, if you work at a bookstore and think your customers might want to know about CauseWired, you qualify as well.
Please feel free to pass this on to other bloggers or writers who think might like an advance copy. And you can still hit the link - top right on this page - for advances sales of the final hardcover!