Some three-dot journalism while waiting, in honor of the endless Democratic nomination process, long may it continue:
Melissa McEwen's spear-gun buries a shot in the meaty flanks of Josh Marshall, who used an unfortunate animal husbandry term to describe what Hillary Clinton did in canning Mark Penn as chief strategist: "I quite honestly can't believe that a person who identifies as a progressive and has two brain cells still knocking together doesn't understand why it's problematic, to put it charitably, to frame Hillary Clinton pushing her male chief strategist from power as "gelding" him."
Digby is very worried about John McCain, as am I. He appears to be the one Republican who could possibly win this year, and the campaign seems to be setting up to make his longshot candidacy a possibility: "The Democrats had better get themselves together. The Republicans picked the only candidate in the entire country who could elicit that kind of praise from my pal and others like him. He's the only one who could possibly win, and win he may very well do if just let this congenial image continue without challenge." And don't miss the Daily Howler's breakdown of how McCain could actually win this thing.
Turns out the gotcha hospital story on Senator Clinton - you know, how she lied about a poor woman's health care - wasn't wrong after all. Jeralyn has the scoop at TalkLeft, along with a growing list of retractions among lefty bloggers who jumped on the "story" when the wrong hospital put out a statement. Wonder when Chris Matthews, who played it big in two separate segments today, will apologize?
Riverdaughter asked me to post this video, and I have to do what Riverdaughter requires. If you've any doubts about the depth of media sexism in this campaign against Senator Clinton, watch the beginning of this video in horror:
And oh yeah, while we're at it - NYC Weboy has joined the fun over at and has a post on Charlton Heston - as does both M.A. Peel and the Self Styled Siren. Now that's a lineup!