Quick words of recognition, praise and encouragement on this Monday evening:
- A hearty backslap and "well-deserved!" to newly-bestowed Pulitzeree Nick Kristof, who won his award for commentary today, partially for his columns on the slaughter in Darfur and particularly (in this blogger's eyes) for introducing the world to the magnificent human strength of Pakistani hero Mukhtaran Bibi. Now if only the Times would tear down their egregious wall.
- Best of luck to the Rev. Tom Watson in the New Orleans election. Sure, the name is pure magic. Goes without saying. But the Rev. Tom - himself a refugee in Texas post-Katrina - seems a real strong candidate in a crowded field, possibly a unifying force. As my parliamentary namesake points out, there are at least two Democratic TW's active in the nation today. UPDATE: The TW connection is called out by, well, this TW, the one with the cool extra "h." And funnily enough, I also received an email today asking for advice on a vintage Fender Stratocaster from well-known guitar writer (and editor of Strat Collector), the fretful Tom Watson. Wrong guy, of course. I play a Tele.
- Finally, a throaty whoop for another great Democrat and his triumphant colleagues: young Carlos Delgado, who went yard (as the roustabouts say) in tonight's big Pedro Martinez win over the formerly dynastic swells of the NL East, your Atlanta Braves. Mssrs. Wright, Reyes, Beltran, LoDuca, Nady, Floyd have the big cat at the center of their lineup - and good lefty Billy Wagner in the ninth. 10-2. A five-game lead. Echoes of '86?