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July 2004

July 26, 2004

July 22, 2004

July 21, 2004

July 18, 2004

July 15, 2004

July 14, 2004

July 13, 2004

July 11, 2004

July 06, 2004

July 03, 2004

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My Dirty Life & Times

  • Tom Watson is a journalist, author, media critic, entrepreneur and consultant who has worked at the confluence of media technology and social change for more than 20 years. This long-running blog is my personal outlet - an idiosyncratic view of the world. "My dirty life and times" is a nod to the late, great Warren Zevon because some days I feel like my shadow's casting me.

Tom's 411

  • Bio
    My bio and relevant background.
  • CauseWired
    CauseWired is my consulting firm, serving nonprofits and changemakers.
  • Twitter
    My Twitter feed, which is quite active.
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Member since 01/2004